They come across a facehugger nest and discover Sebastian in resin. Scar decides to team up with Lex and he crafts some weapons and armour for her using a dead xenomorph’s skull and tail. Multiple xenomorphs attack them and Scar kills several of them while Lex kills one with Scar’s combi-stick. He catches up with Lex and is about to kill her when she gives him his shoulder cannon back.

As he’s doing it, he’s attacked by a facehugger. Scar kills a xenomorph and a facehugger and removes his mask to mark it with the blood of the xenomorph he just killed. Weyland attacked Scar so the Predator killed him with his wristblades.

Scar confronts Weyland but decided to spare him when he realised he was already dying. Scar follows Alexa Woods and Sebastian De Rosa after his fellow Predators were killed by a xenomorph. They reach the pyramid and find that the humans have stolen their shoulder cannons. The mothership drops the Predators off in separate pods and they kill the mercenaries on the surface. It’s revealed that adolescent Predators use the pyramid every 100 years as a coming of age hunt to prove themselves to the Elder Predators. Inside the pyramid was a Queen Alien which the Predators used for breeding xenomorphs to hunt and three shoulder cannons were hidden within the pyramid. The Predator mothership was able to drill a hole to the pyramid using some form of heat-based laser which attracted the attention of Charles Bishop Weyland who organised an expedition to go down there. The Scar Predator came to Earth with fellow Predators Celtic and Chopper to face a rite of passage in an underground pyramid on Bouvetøya Island, Antarctica. He is eventually killed by the Queen Alien. They were supposed to hunt xenomorphs in an underground pyramid. The Predator comes to Bouvetøya Island in Antarctica with two other Predators as part of an ancient training ritual. Unlike the previous films, the Predator was designed by Amalgamated Dynamics and portrayed by Ian Whyte. The Scar Predator is one of the Predators that appears in the 2004 film Alien vs Predator directed by Paul W.S.